by Grac
I see a land far from human reach.
There are five states in this land, all that have only animals living there. The five states are Melodilia, Epicurean Oasis, Memorabilia, The Contemplative Crater and The Tired Tempest. The safest state you could live in would be Melodilia, consisting of Mitsuki City, Salvias Mansion, Juju Meadows, Cave Town and Tvgirl Town. The next best place you could live would be Epicurean Oasis. I wouldn’t recommend living in Epicurean Oasis considering there are living tacos that walk around and eat animals. Though it’s not bad considering what the other states are like. The Contemplative Crater is where the weirdest of creatures live such as; the cow dinosaur, the flamingo camel, the hippo cow and Teletubbies. Memorabilia Lane would be fun if you like roller coasters that don’t have seatbelts. The Tired Tempest has loads of beds; if you fall asleep on those beds, you may never wake up again. I would not recommend visiting the Tired Tempest.
In the daytime, Tvgirl Town has their concert and Mitsuki City bustles bright. The Chinese restaurant is usually really busy except on Sundays, that’s when they’re closed. The food trucks sell ice creams and tacos. In Memorabilia, sheep walk along Memory Lane watching the abyss rollercoaster with no one on it speed along the tracks. Meanwhile, in The Contemplative Crater, the Teletubbies plant more sunflowers in the field, the flamingo camel grazes along the long grass and the hippo cow munches hungrily on grass. You can hear thunder from the Tired Tempest all the way over to Mitsuki City.
At nighttime, in Melodilia’s Mitsuki City, the streets are bustling with cars, while at the farms in Cave Town and Tvgirl Town, cattle head to bed in the barn. In the Epicurean Oasis, the food trucks close and the Chinese restaurant stays open 24/7. When the smiling sun sets the frowning moon rises.
If only you could visit, I’d take you to Mitsuki City and we would shop until we drop! We could canoe down the Chocolate River and run from the tacos giggling and munching on ice cream. I would walk you down Memory Lane and tell you all the stories of this land. You wouldn’t visit the other lands though, because that’d be deadly crazy!
Sometimes you can still find fun in the scariest places.