Timothy’s bike was a wonderful beast
Who liked to roll all day long.
Timothy clipped a card near the spokes
So they chattered out loud and strong.
One day Timothy was sick
And couldn’t come out to play.
The bike was sad and a little bit mad,
So he decided to run away.
The bike pulled up his kickstand,
and quietly rolled across the lawn.
He hit the sidewalk and started to run,
And in a flash, he was gone.
He rode past the park, his favorite route,
Unaware he was watched by the throng.
The kids were astonished to see a bike
Rolling along with no rider on.
The kids began to chase the bike,
And so he sped quickly away.
He headed straight back to Timothy’s house,
And put his kickstand down to stay.
The kids then knocked on Timothy’s door,
To tell him how his bike had run away.
Tim looked at the bike still right where he’d left it,
And closed the door saying “No way.”Poem by Kelly Roper
A great example of personification being used.
Feature image attribution:Freepik water color modern by mhafiffuadi
Posted in As an Educator, Homeschooling