Isaiah amazes me with his little ponderings about life. His latest one was asking me this, "Mum, how can God be everywhere, but we can only be in one place...
Giraffes don't eat apples, they eat giraffe seeds! They don't eat apples because they aren't giraffe apples. Isaiah, age four Apple fruit (Photo credit: @Doug88888)
Little Isaiah is into saying to family members that they're the best at something or other. It might be, 'Dad, you're the best dad in the whole world!' or something...
Isaiah, my three year old, has recently showered me with some lovely compliments. The other day when I was putting together the boys bunk bed he tells me, "Mum, you're...
Isaiah calls out to Dad who was painting around the corner, "The paints dry, Dad!" So, Dad comes around the corner asking Isaiah with his sternly Dad voice, "Did you...
Isaiah had been watching Peter Pan with Noah and the movie was towards the end when he remarked, "I wish I had a girlfriend!" I asked him if he wanted...
Isaiah, two at the time, was meant to be sleeping, however, he yells out down the hall, "Dad, can you clip my nails?". Dad sternly replies, "NO! GO TO SLEEP!"...
On our way to school, Isaiah calls out to me, "Mummy, I've got a broken leg ... it doesn't work." It was actually fine, it was not broken. Our children...