Shadow Link
Congratulations Agent on completing your first mission! You have been selected to join the ranks of the privileged few! Watch and marvel at this very first 'Shadow Link' unveiling where...
Get Ready for the Spytacular Writing Workshop
You have four top secret missions to complete before arriving at the "secret rendezvous point"! They are as follows: 1 - Find out your own spy name using the...
Term 2 Years 5 – 8 Writing Workshop
Get excited for the Year 5 - 8 Spytacular Writing Workshop! On offer for a small group of homeschooling students in Years 5 - 8 Term 2, 2024, is...
FULL CLASS – Term 1 Years 5 – 8 Writing Workshop
FULL CLASS - Get excited for the Year 5 - 8 Term 1 Writing Workshop! On offer for a small group of homeschooling students in Years 5 - 8...
CLOSED – Term 4 Years 5 – 7 Writing Workshop
Get excited for the Year 5 - 7 Term 4 Writing Workshop! On offer for a small group of homeschooling students in Years 5 - 7 Term 4, 2023,...
Rock the Boat Film Festival 2022
What an experience the Rock the Boat film festival has been for my girls. They learnt a lot about film production and story telling through this project. The girls gained...
Term 3 Years 5 – 7 Persuasion & Perspectives Writing Workshop
Get excited for the Year 5 - 7 Term 3 Persuasion & Perspectives Writing Workshop! On offer for a small group of homeschooling students in Years 5 - 7...
Write a ‘Meeting Story’ Workshop for Homeschoolers
Get excited for the Year 5 - 7 Term 2 Fiction Writing Workshop! On offer for a small group of homeschooling students in Years 5 - 7 Term 2,...
The Little Corn Flakes
All the little corn flakes were so excited They were getting to come out and play. They landed in the milky pool, And began frolicking away. Poem by Kelly...
The Adventure of Timothy’s Bike
Timothy's bike was a wonderful beast Who liked to roll all day long. Timothy clipped a card near the spokes So they chattered out loud and strong. One day Timothy...