
Noah and miswak

The Miswak Toothbrush Trial

So, the much anticipated eco friendly twig toothbrush came in the post. It took a little bit longer than expected, but then it had been opened by customs. They too...

Hattie and the Fox

This is our latest book bought for Hosanna, a great first birthday gift. This particular book is a 25th Anniversary Special Limited Edition 2011 in board book format. The story...

Never, never

We had just come home. I had the keys in the front door and needed to go get my sleeping baby from the car. I came back to find the...
chicken farmers

Chicken Run

I thought I'd give an update on how our four Australorp chickens are going. They are now 17 weeks old and nearly all grown up. I read that they are...

Stalling tactics

Isaiah, two at the time, was meant to be sleeping, however, he yells out down the hall, "Dad, can you clip my nails?". Dad sternly replies, "NO! GO TO SLEEP!"...

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

This would have to be one of our top favourite picture books. It is such a classic all time favourite of many children. There's adventure throughout many different landscapes. It...

Ice Cream

Isaiah was sitting at the table eating his ice cream when he exclaims, "Dad, I've got brain cold!"

It doesn’t work!

On our way to school, Isaiah calls out to me, "Mummy, I've got a broken leg ... it doesn't work." It was actually fine, it was not broken. Our children...
Hosanna cake2

First Birthday

One entire year has flown by and our sweet little Hosanna is now one. How precious she is to us all. She is only a small little one year old...
Photo by Ali Kemel Ergelen

The Dreaded Plastic Toothbrush

I love sustainability and so I occasionally get that 'waste not, want not' guilt trip.  I was needing to purchase some new toothbrushes for Noah and Isaiah. Recently I have...

National Tree Day, July 31st

How grand and majestic are the trees that grow in our Aussie bushlands. I particulaly love the drive down the South West Coast where you're met by towering Jarrah, Karri...

Young Chefs

Now I know it can be messy, frustrating and challenging to have children cooking in the kitchen but the outcomes far out weigh the negatives. The more my boys are...
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