Love Is Wedding Gift
This project was a gift for a special friend for her wedding day. It was more of a rustic piece and I loved how it turned out. ...
Love Is – 1 Corinthians 13 Wall Sign
The inspiration came for this project when my friend was giving up a couple of her large wooden framed paintings. I was not fond of the paintings, but I had...
Bayside Barrista
One of my favourite places to eat out at is the Bayside Barista in Safety Bay, Western Australia. This place is a delightful place to visit. I will be writing...
Jayco stabiliser legs hack with 19mm extension socket
This nifty device along with a cordless drill makes lowering the stabiliser legs super quick on our Jayco Expanda. Some key points I have learnt about lowering stabiliser legs is...
Mother’s Day Reading
I read out the following poem written by Mother Teresa at church last Mother's Day. Mother Teresa dedicated her entire life to others, just as Mother’s often dedicate their lives to...
Thrifty Thieves Laundry Soap Hack
I love quality products, but I do not like paying a fortune for them. Who does! I used to use the more natural, earth friendly laundry powder I could find...
Seasons of life
I picked up a book at a bookstore that was about the seasons of life. This concept really grabbed me and I really do agree with this. At the time,...
Perpetual Soup – well kind of!
So, my wonderful Mother gave me her Better Homes & Garden Magazine ... thanks Mum!! I started flicking through it when my eyes caught the pull out quote of the...
Pallet Word Art
This was our first Pallet Word Art project! Our family scripture now features a prominent spot, reminding us 'Cheney's' of what's required of us. I love it!