About The Cheneys

This is us, the Cheney family! We live in a beautiful suburb, south of Perth, Western Australia. Our family consists of mumma Cheney, dadda Cheney, two wonderful teen boys, two gorgeous younger daughters, a golden retriever and a yellow budgie.
This blogging website will be a place where we will share tid bits on family life. This will include parenting, home management, our faith and family values, activities, Juvenile Diabetes and information about items and activities we love. You will also be able to read up on our homeschooling adventures and I hope to share ideas and resources for you on this topic. We love DIY projects and will be getting about shortly in our new Jayco Expand. We hope you enjoy hearing our stories and sharing in 'The Cheney Adventure'.
We wanted to have a family creed that particularly defined our family's purpose for living. One of our favourite scriptures is found in the book of Micah and it states so simply what God requires of us.
"He has shown all you people what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 TNIV
This is what we hope to live by as a family. Imagine what kind of place the world would be if everyone made justice, mercy and Godly humility a priority response.