written by Myles 2023
When I tapped my drumsticks together
When I tapped my drumsticks together,
Golden goats giggled gleefully,
Vile vultures vented in a van to vain Victor,
Quizzy Quokka quit his question,
An atrocious antelope argues over an apple adventurously and
An irritating Ibis ignored the ice instantly.
When I tapped my drumsticks together
A Balga (grass tree) bloomed,
A Ford Ranger nodded as it zoomed across the desert,
The basketball court clapped midway though the match,
A piece of paper whistled a merry tune and
A hammock shook its passenger of for a good reason.
When I tapped my drumsticks together
A destructive robot destroyed a building as fast as a F1 racing car,
A bunny sneezed as loud as a trumpet,
Grass blades grew as slow as a snail,
A crab swam like a dolphin swimming away from a shark and
Ducks flew by like a speeding jet.
After I laid down my drumsticks,
I packed up my memories,
Filled my backpack with clouds and
Left the room untouched, with its calling voice whispering.